Monday, July 30, 2007

New Photos from 10 months

Monday, July 09, 2007

McKinley now has 5 teeth and is working on number 6. She has three on top and two on bottom. This process has not been easy for her as you can see. But she enjoys the ability to bite things and eat new foods that she could not before. And as for me.... I just think they are cute in her little mouth:)
McKinley enjoys her new found mobility and nothing in our house is safe anymore.
It is fun to watch her face when she pulls up on the coffee table and gets what doesn't belong to her! :) We have had to tape our entertainment center doors closed to keep her out of coins and movies, but she works hard on getting it off. After thirty minutes one day, she decided to take a rest and try again later. She is very determined and has managed to break past the barriers a few times already!
McKinley likes going down the slide and playing in the pool at my parent's house. Bathing suit or not, summer time is so much fun!