Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Time Yellow

McKinley is crawling everwhere now! She has found out what not to get into, and enjoys looking at me for a reaction. I love it!

Ready for Church

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Time!

Here are a few shots of McKinley enjoying our summer break!

Crawling? Not Yet!

McKinley still is not crawling. She gets in the right position and reaches out with her hands, but decides it is time to sit down and rest. She can get around by scooting and rolling, but does not show an interest to crawling.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Terrible Virus

McKinley and my nephews all came down with a terrible virus at the end of our trip. McKinley's virus lasted seven days :( We have had high fevers along with the rest of the nasty viral symptoms. Nothing seemed to make it better for her but a little cuddle time. We tried to keep her happy and play, but we were the only ones smiling. She is absoutely spoiled now, but that is okay! Her daddy was pretty worn out too, from the looks of it! Happily though, we made it through and are recovering well, all of us :).


McKinley went to Canada last weekend for a visit with my sister 's family. She had a wonderful visit with her cousins Stephen and Josiah. Stephen would wake up each morning asking, "Where Kinley?" It is so great to see the three of them together. My mom and dad also went on the visit with us. We had a great time!

Try to Pull Up

McKinley is trying to learn to pull herself up to a standing positon. She has successfully pulled up on her own one time! However, the process is coming along slowly and she gets tired and frustrated. Notice her tongue sticking out due to her concentration. Her effort is tip top even though she still does not regularly succeed.